E Certification | E Marking Paylaş

E Mark (ECE test mark) in Turkey


E Mark indicates that the products provide necessary conditions for road transport in the context of the European Union. E Certification, motor vehicles and trailers of the system, component or separate technical unit with relevant EU, UN / ECE and GB laws adopted within the limits and indicates that the appropriate approval certificate to the regulations in the matter.


E Certification given the Motor Vehicles and Trailers, Two or Three-Wheel Motor Vehicles confirm compliance with the requirements of European Union regulations. E Mark of the next figures are the country code, which indicates that the document from the country. 

There are countries where the code below EUR Certificate belongs to which country. 


  1. Germany
  2. France
  3. Italy
  4. Netherlands
  5. Sweden
  6. Belgium
  7. Hungary
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Spain
  10. Yugoslavia, now Serbia
  11. Britain
  12. Austria
  13. Luxembourg
  14. Switzerland
  15. DDR 
  16. Norway
  17. Finland
  18. Denmark
  19. Romania
  20. Poland
  21. Portugal
  22. Russia
  23. Greece
  24. Ireland
  25. Croatia
  26. Slovenia
  27. Slovakia
  28. Belarus
  29. Estonia
  30. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  31. Latvia
  32. Bulgaria
  33. Kazakhstan
  34. Lithuania
  35. Turkey
  36. Azerbaijan
  37. Macedonia
  38. European
  39. Japan
  40. Australia
  41. Ukraine
  42. South Africa
  43. New ZealandCyprus
  44. Malta
  45. South Korea
  46. Malaysia
  47. Thailand
  48. Montenegro
  49. Tunisia


If you want to export from Turkey to European Union countries must obtain these regulations. You could get the mark via depends on SıSTEM KALITE company's E Mark Istanbul consulting office and E Mark Izmir consultancy office in Turkey. We will follow the process for you and inform you.

Marka Tescil ve Patent Tescil işlemleriniz için www.sistempatent.com.tr sayfasına bakınız.